7 Effective Motivators That Keep My Gym Routine Fun and Joyful 💪We all know fitness is important. It’s something we hear all the time.Aug 8, 2024Aug 8, 2024
Published inProAndroidDevCreating a Form using Jetpack Compose and Material Design 3There’s so many exciting things happening in the Android world. It’s always hard to keep up. But when I do play around with things, I find…Sep 4, 20231Sep 4, 20231
Published inProAndroidDevHow to Avoid Dependency Conflicts in Multi-Module Android AppsAs an Android developer, you may have experienced the frustration of managing dependencies in your project. It can be especially…Jan 8, 20233Jan 8, 20233
Singapore Travel Guide — Transportation, Food, Places to Visit (Part II)Singapore has always been a dream destination for me, and I was so excited when I finally planned my trip there.Dec 19, 2022Dec 19, 2022
Singapore Travel Guide for Pakistan 2022 — Visa, Flights, Hotels (Part I)Here’s a guide on how to apply for visa & what you should know before traveling to Singapore.Oct 31, 2022Oct 31, 2022
Published inDegooJetpack Compose: Implementing the Detail View (Part IV)Alright, in this last part of the series, we’ll be looking into implementing the detail view of our app that one navigates to from the list…Aug 22, 2021Aug 22, 2021
Published inDegooJetpack Compose: Navigating to a Detail View (Part III)If you’ve been following my series of posts regarding RecyclerView (LazyColumn) in Jetpack Compose, chances are, you might have already…Jun 6, 2021Jun 6, 2021
Published inDegooJetpack Compose: Styles and Themes (Part II)As of Part I, we successfully implemented a RecyclerView (known as LazyColumn in Compose), populating it with a list of puppies that we…May 15, 2021May 15, 2021
Published inDegooJetpack Compose: An easy way to RecyclerView (Part I)If you’re new to Jetpack Compose and looking at all the cool UI screens and animations around the internet like me, you’re probably a bit…Apr 27, 2021Apr 27, 2021
Published inProAndroidDevPublishing your first Android library to MavenCentralRecently, I got myself engaged in a new world of Android development: publishing an open source Android library.Nov 22, 20207Nov 22, 20207