7 Effective Motivators That Keep My Gym Routine Fun and Joyful 💪

Waseef Akhtar
4 min readAug 8, 2024

We all know fitness is important. It’s something we hear all the time.

So we start our fitness journey, go to the gym 5 times, don’t get any visible results, and give up.

And we go back to our normal lazy routine and just think that we’ll give it a shot again some day.

But how do we become consistent in our fitness journey once we start it?

The biggest motivation is to optimize for joy. To make going to the gym and working out fun & joyful.

Here are the steps I use to optimize for joy, which have been working for me:

1. Find a Gym That’s Nearby

Avoid long commutes. In the beginning, you need a little push every day before going to the gym. A short walk makes it easy to show up and saves time.

2. Choose a Nice Gym

Don’t settle for the cheapest gym in town. Avoid gyms that are old, have unpleasant smell, broken or sweaty equipment, rude staff, no trainers, or just have a bad vibe. You’ll lose your motivation real quick. Remember: You’re investing in your health, so invest in a good gym.

3. Make It Easy to Go to the Gym

